Pupil Questionnaire - Moral, Social, Cultural
Silk trip to Glebe Farm
Treacle class visit Rudyard Lake
Medical desensitisation sessions
Careers Advisor Interviews - Social, Cultural and Spiritual
Key Stage 3 Bake Sale
Voting to name the school therapy pet - Moral, Social, Cultural
Treacle class visit Lyme Park
Barnaby attend LMT SEND Music day- Social, Cultural, Spiritual
Visits to the Macclesfield Community Hub - Social, Cultural, Moral and Spiritual
Playing alongside each other - Social
Treacle Class visit St Alban's Church
Forest Class - Community Visits- Spiritual, Social
Forest Class - Preparing for Adulthood
Santa Dash- East Cheshire Hospice Fundraiser- Social and Spiritual
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year - Spiritual, Social and Cultural
Forest Class- Weekly visits to South Park - Social and Spiritual
Visit to Peak Wildlife Park and Santa's Grotto- Social, Spiritual, Cultural, Moral
Visit to Silk Museum - Social, Cultural and Spiritual
Tunnicliffe workshop by Silk Museum Macclesfield - Social, Cultural and Spiritual
Victorian Toys Workshop by Silk Museum Macclesfield - Social, Cultural and Spiritual
Silk Class trip to Chester Zoo
Designing a prayer mat - Eid el Fitr 2023
Improving our outdoor area- considering nature
We're going on a bear hunt- collaborative work