
Beth.JPG Kieran.JPG

Careers Team 

Our careers team are 6th form teachers, Beth Atherton and Kieran Cook, who also act as careers advisors for our key stage five pupils. If you would like to get in touch with them, please do so on [email protected] or [email protected] The link governor for the 6th form is John McPherson who can be contacted on [email protected] 

Our Careers Program 

At Park Lane school, we aim to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our students. We work proactively with the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Pledge to build a careers program that empowers our young people to develop skills and confidence in their future, and informs them about relevant careers and pathways that work for them.  

Our careers program is monitored termly against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks illustated below. It is evaluated annually and updated using feedback from students, parents/carers, staff, employers, and our destinations data. We also gain feedback after specific events to ensure they have met our aims and to monitor impact. 

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See this PowerPoint which outlines how we are currently meeting each Benchmark : Gatsby Benchmark at Park Lane School 


The main aims of our career program as a school are: 

  1. To extend the pupils learning beyond the classroom and allow them the opportunity to further develop and generalise their communication, organisational and personal skills
  2. To build confidence, self esteem and independence in unfamiliar situations
  3. To connect the pupils with life beyond school and give them an insight into the world of work

Provider Access 

Park Lane school believes in giving all students relevant information about future pathways after they leave our school, including employment, apprenticeships, supported internships, and colleges (all where deemed appropriate for the student). Please see our Provider Access Policy document Provider Access Policy 

Destinations Data 

At Park Lane school, we monitor the destinations of our students after they leave us to evaluate the effectiveness of our careers program:

Destinations 2019. Year 14 Pupils.

1 pupil went to Pettypool College.

3 pupils have social care packages of support in the community. 

Destinations 2020. Year 14 Pupils.

1 pupil is now at  the Seashell Trust College.

1 pupil has social a care package of support in the community. 

2 pupils are completing their Supported Internship at Macclesfield District General Hopsital - due to finish at the end of December 2020

Update April 21.

Both pupils on suported internships have completed their time at Macclesfield District Hospital. One finished his placement in December 2020 because of limited work options due to the pandemic. The other finished his placement at Easter. Neither pupil was able to secure paid employemnt from the hopsital. This is partly due to the huge impact of the pandemic. 

One of these pupils continues to be supported by the Rossendale Trust who have secured some funding to support him as he leaves Park lane School. He will work on developing his CV and apply for jobs.

The other pupil has had his funding for his supported internship extended to start a new placement at All Hallows Catholic College, working in the kitchens/canteen area. This is because of the severe disruption to his initial placement due to the pandemic.

Destinations 2021. Year 14 Pupils.

1 pupil has secured a place at Pettypool College

1 pupil has secured a place at Macclesfield College

2 pupils have social care packages of support in the community

One of the suported interns has been successful in continuing his placement at All Hallows Catholic College. Funding has been granted until December 2021. Update February 22Unfortunately the placement ended and for various reasons, there wasn't an outcome of paid employment. The young man is wanting to volunteer at the hopsital one day a week and is working with Journey First to decide on his next steps.

The other supported intern has been volunteering at Macclesfield District Hospital one day a week and we are thrilled to be able to announce, he has secured paid employment, working two days a week at The Rossendale Trust in their office.

Destinations 2022. Year 14 Pupils

3 pupils have secured places at Pettypool College

1 pupil has secured a college and residential place with The Seashell Trust

1 pupil is accessing day services at David Lewis Footsteps

Destinations July 2023
2 pupils went to Pettypool College.
1 pupil went to Regent College.
1 pupil went to Seashell Trust. 

Employers- Get involved 

If you are a local employer or business who would like to support any work experience placements or supported work placements after education, please contact Beth or Kieran to get in touch. 

Benefits to your business:

  • Introduce new perspectives and talents
  • Improve diversity in your workforce
  • Provide development opportunities for your staff eg. mentoring
  • Support your local community

Useful Links and Resources for parents, teachers, students and employers.

Labour Market Information 

National Careers Service – a comprehensive careers website with job profiles, outlining: the skills required, main tasks, pay levels and career prospects for hundreds of different jobs. In addition, valuable guidance on the different stages involved in getting a job. 

Cheshire and Warrington Job Opportunities Portal – a portal with a range of information on local labour market information, including jobs, apprenticeships, and training providers 

Cheshire and Warrington Your Futures a portal with a range of information on local labour market information, including jobs, apprenticeships, and training providers, all specifically for SEND. 

My Path Careers Information about a wide variety of interesting careers with job profiles and videos 

Post 16 Pathways 

Petty Pool College A specialist education provider for young adults with learning difficulties that does a variety of vocational courses. 

Ask Apprenticeships Information about different types of apprenticeships in a variety of sectors. 

Cheshire College South and West Local college with campuses in Crewe, Chester, and Ellesmere Port offering T Levels, A Levels, apprenticeships, and vocational courses   

Live! Cheshire A small local charity that provides a varied programme of fully inclusive and accessible clubs and social activities for young people with SEND, including their ‘Moving On’ program for 16-25 year-olds. 



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