Parent and Carer comments

Comments from our parents and carers:

I just wanted to drop you a line to express my appreciation for how excellently your pupils and staff represented your school today in Aldi Macclesfield.

As I was shopping I noticed that there were many young customers who obviously have particular needs and their companions in the store. I was able to observe them during my time in Aldi and I must commend you that every one of your pupils was polite and well behaved.  Also I noticed the way the staff spoke to them and cared for their needs was exemplary. Both pupils and staff are to be commended.

Well done for all your hard work.

Kind regards

comment from a member of public May 2024

"My little girl started mid September, she's literally so happy there and the progress is more than I could have imagined. You'll love the Park Lane family, it's the best!"     Facebook comment from a parent January 2024

"Thank you Katy and Jade for all the hard work put in with Iona recently. While I'm not 100% sure it was something she looked forward to each week, I do know it's something she was incredibly proud of herself for achieving on a Monday. She would bounce off the bus with a huge grin and tell each of us to "smell" her hair! Response to the hairdressing desensitisation project, July 2023
We are truly thankful to yourself Jade, for breaking down the barriers and making having her hair done, not the traumatic experience it had sadly become for us both. Response to the hairdressing desensitisation project, July 2023
Tonight's hairwash was still greeted with a no, it always will be!  but once we got started it turned into a nice experience for us both with no tears and even a french plait which she has spent time looking at in the mirror. Response to the hairdressing desensitisation project, July 2023
Thank you for arranging something so beneficial for the children and in turn parents/families, our Sunday nights will be so much calmer as a result. We look forward to seeing how you can beat this trial going forward" Response to the hairdressing desensitisation project, July 2023
Facebook comments from 2023

"Hello, just a little message from Lyme Park Food & Beverage staff to say how lovely it was to have some of your students visit us at the café yesterday. They were all so lovely and well behaved and one of my team members Jude had a lovely conversation with them. Hopefully they can come back soon and see us again!

Many thanks,

Ellie at Lyme Park.   

"Me and dad our over the moon that he has had his haircut, We really didn’t expect that today it’s been along time since he had a cut as he wouldn’t allow the hairdressers to do it. It’s a really good program the school is doing and hopefully W will continue to become more comfortable around the hair, he was proud to show off the cut that Zoe had done." April 2023
"Park lane special educational needs school is a lovely caring, nurturing environment, just what we wanted for our son, in our experience the teachers have gone above and beyond to put the needs of the children first, they seem to know just what the children need.
Our son was very anxious at his previous school, but since starting at Park Lane he is much calmer and happier, he is coming on in leaps and bounds and even wants to come to school again now."
P&J March 2023

"I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your presence on social media. My beautiful niece FS is in Forest class and we love being able to see all the wonderful things she gets up to in school. We feel we get such an insight into her school day and my boys love being able to see what she gets up to in her school"

December 2022

"Can I just say a massive thank you for all your hard work on the concert video, you always make it look so much better than I'd hoped and all the feedback from our parents in Forest was brilliant. One Dad said 'just perfect' another was really emotional and said 'do you know what comes across from all those performances, love, how much you all love and care for our children', every said how good it was it. Also Silk and Forest joined together yesterday afternoon to watch it and to see the faces of the children when they saw themselves on screen, it was just brilliant" 

December 2022

Thank you for everything you do. Keep up the good work. You are so appreciated 

We are happy with Park Lane.

Amazing school, my son loves going in.

Very happy with N’s school life at Park Lane.

Absolutely love this school, they are amazing and very supportive.

N has loved being at Park Lane. It is a brilliant school.

More use of parent/communication book would be good.

Very pleased with N’s start.

When your child counts the weekends and holidays until it is time to go back to school it speaks volumes.

More communication about individual children would be fantastic.

Carry on the excellent work.

Parent Questionnaire comments July 2022


"We had a lovely afternoon having a look around, what amazing young people we have in the school, all so polite and kind. A couple of great tour guides also." May 2022 (Upper school grand opening.) 


"Thank you all for a lovely afternoon. The building is splendid and all the pupils did themselves proud with us disturbing everything! It was very special." May 2022 (Upper school grand opening.) 


"Best thing I ever did, sending Park Lane". May 2022


"N happy when he goes into school and happy when he comes out". May 2022


"Just a huge thank you for the Christmas carol concert, all the children were amazing, some rather enthusiastic. Absolutely amazing!" (December 2021)


"Really loved the Zoom lessons in lockdown-perked us all up!" (April 2021)


"Thank you so much to all of you for making my time at school special" (March 2021)


"All the pictures of all the children make me so happy, all look like they have never been away". (March 2021)


"Thanks for your time today.  It’s great knowing how well S is being taught and looked after at school and, of course, how much she enjoys it!" March 2021


"The reason I am writing is to let you know how appreciative we are of the support we have received from school over the last two and a half months.B has checked on us every week, there have been lots of sensory activities for J to do and she arranged for J to have music therapy virtually which he has really enjoyed.The support we have received has helped us get through this lockdown" March 2021


"I just want to say how much appreciation and admiration I have for every single member of your staff team who are continuing to work as normally as possible during this dreadful pandemic. I have always felt lucky and blessed to be part of 'Park Lane family' and never more so than now." February 2021


"I can't remember a day at Park Lane that she hasn't enjoyed" October 2020


"A very big thank you for all your hard work and kindness to F, he has loved being taught by you and you have helped him become the amazing young man he is today. We very much appreciate everything you have done". October 2020