
Hi all,

Here are the latest bits for home learning, alongside things we've already done which you can keep revisiting, especially the days of the week and the weather song which we do every day in class. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there's something specific you'd like to see or anything you need help with. 

I have added a suggested daily activities file below. It's a suggested of things to do every day, based loosely on what our focus is in class.  If you need any help with the below, just let me know. It might be finding suitable apps or where to find certain resources. 

Summer 1

Hi all, our theme is Great Britain and so we have a massage story based on different aspects of Britain. The file with the movements is in the files below and here's the link to the playlist. 

We've also got a new story and here is link to me reading and signing the story. 

Our art work is focusing on materials so exploring a range of materials and using fabrics to create some fabulous art work such as flags of the GB nations. 

The key with all these sessions is repetition and consistency. We will complete these tasks at least once, usually twice a week for a whole half term. What you really want to see from your child is the same response to each stimulus every time you present it in the same way e.g. every time you bang the tray for the thunder they laugh/startle/reach out. 




Spring 2

Click here to view me reading the Toy shop poem

Here's the link to the YouTube playlist for the toys massage story.  

Spring 1

Our creativity work this half term is look at 'The Storm' a piece of music by Benjamin Britten which can be found here  and being inspired by it and the art work of J M Turner. If you're feeling creative, you could get some paint out to create a stormy scene with hands, feet or using a paintbrush. Please do take photos of any creative work and send it to me. I'd love to see it! 

In the files are the support sheets for our sensory poem and massage story. 

The massage story  music videos playlist can be found here

The sensory poem video can be found here


Here are a couple of songs for you to join in with with your child. Maybe a sibling could take on the supporting role either by modelling it or supporting your child to partcipate. 

Wake Up! 



Previous Links

The Gruffalo

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?


Bonfire Sensory Poem. 

A Squash and a Squeeze Story


Alice the Camel song: 

Weather Song

Days of the Week:

I've done a video of each day of the week signed as we would in class. 






Files to Download